Ravensburger Funny Bunny Game
About the Ravensburger Funny Bunny Game
Turn the Carrot!
You will hear this shouted with delight, this game is quick, has lots of different things happening, can be played by young children with help, has counting, colours, suspense and a mole that knocks rabbits off the hill!
Funny Bunny is easy to play, has simple instructions but is lots of fun for all the family, it's set up very quickly and can be played in several ways.
Each player has 3 bunnies of different colours, the aim is to get all your bunnies to the carrot on the top of the hill, but you can only take the number of jumps on your card, sometimes a gate blocks your path, a rabbit is in the way, the draw bridge lifts or there is a hole in the track.
If you get the special turn the carrot card, you get the chance to turn the big carrot which can make a gate close blocking the path of the bunnies, the ground may open up under a bunny and it drops down the hole and disappears out of the game, the draw bridge lifts blocking the path or a mole pops his head out of the hill, knocking a bunny of the hill.
Lots of excitement, delight and fun as you race your bunnies to the big carrot on the top of the hill, the game is unique every time and it can be quick to play.
Age 4+, 2 - 4 players