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Little Tikes Cozy Gas / Fuel Pumper

Product Code: 619991
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About the Little Tikes Cozy Gas / Fuel Pumper

A fuel station for your Little Tikes car, this chunky portable station comes with a hose and nozzle which fits into the Little Tikes Cozy Coupe cars, 3 weather proof buttons with lots of different noises and a credit card swipe but the credit card isn't included. Requires AA batteries. In Red Age 18 months - 5 years


35.5 (l) x 23(w) x 47(h)cm
Reviews for: Little Tikes Cozy Gas / Fuel Pumper
I bought this for my grandson to go with his Cozy Coupe. He fell in love with it straight away. When he's not filling up the car he's pretending that he is drinking from it ! He's also picked up on how to use a credit card.....something i'll probably regret when he finds out that i've got a real one !!
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