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KBT Nest Swing Winkoh
Product Code: KBT
From £69.99
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About the KBT Nest Swing Winkoh
The KBT nest swing 'winkoh' is delivered flat-packed in a cardboard box and can be easily assembled. The black braided ropes give the nest swing a nice look and are easy to adjust in length. The steel frame is padded all around to ensure a soft impact. The fabric material is both strong and comfortable to the touch. Water can pass through it easily. The rings and eights are made in galvanised steel. The welds on the ropes are made in black PP. Available in Green, Magenta and Lime Green or Turquoise and Yellow.
1001 x 60 mmFind more like this
Outdoor Toys > Swing Accessories Toys to Ride In > Swing Accessories Brands > KBT