KBT Baby Seat GrowableType with Poly Propolyne ropes
About the KBT Baby Seat GrowableType with Poly Propolyne ropes
A swing for life, start with a baby seat, with an adjustable back to fit the size of your child, then as the child grows you can remove the front to create a swinging chair and finally remove the back for a large standard swing seat.
The ropes have height adjusters allowing you to lower the seat when they can start to use it independently, the raise it as they get confident.
The parts can be re - attached for another child later, comprises of 3 blow moulded plastic parts.
Standard poly prop ropes to attach to a swing with galvanised steel rings.
Turquoise, Lime Green and Orange.
A tip when you remove the front, lower the seat so their toes can touch the floor (it looks very low), then they can get on, off and push themselves and put their feet down if they start to wobble. adjust the ropes as their confidence grows. It takes seconds to adjust the ropes so you can move them for older children.