Gonge Carousel Spinning Seat
About the Gonge Carousel Spinning Seat
Exciting mini carousel giving children a real spin! The seat is placed at a slight angle to allow the child to propel the Carousel by shifting the body's centre of gravity. Younger children are also able to set the seat in motion by pushing off with their feet. The seat has a thick edge to make it easy for children to get a good grip and hold on when the Carousel is moving.
Orange seat
Age 3 - 10 years
56 x 56 x 25cmThe Gonge Carousel is is absolutely the best gift we have ever bought our son. It’s amazing! It spins so fast and our son doesn’t need any help to spin it. He’s a big 8yr old and i was worried he may be a bit big for it but he’s not at all, in fact we want a second for another room he lives it so much. Great for that sensory seeking child. Adventure Toys are amazing in terms of contact and customer service too. Thank you!