Falk Trailer / Wheelbarrow Red with Tools 2 - 7 years
About the Falk Trailer / Wheelbarrow Red with Tools 2 - 7 years
A trailer with a difference which will fit any peal tractor in the Falk range, this trailer will carry and tow your load where ever you want it to go but when you need to take your load on foot somewhere it has a very clever trick. Simply un hitch the trailer, swing the side bars round to create handles and you have your very own 2 wheeled stable wheel barrow, complete with giant spade, rake and watering can, secured to the trailer sides. When you have either delivered your load or collected things from the garden with your wheelbarrow, hitch it back to your tractor, stow the tools and turn the handles back on the trailer sides and your ready to jump back on your tractor and deliver your load. Falk make very strong sturdy robust tractors that can withstand years of playing but are not too heavy to allow little ones to pedal and steer over rough ground. Age 3 to 7 years Max weight 50kg