Traditions and memories

Present giving has lots of traditions and is made of memories past, with additions of new fashions, ideas and crazes Some stick and last, others are looked back on in photos and laughed about!
At Adventure Toys, we stock a lot of traditional toys which people have loved over the years and remember having when they were little, we love to see the enjoyment of customers, showing another generation a Kaleidoscope or how to play Penny Push. When people come into the shop, we hear them reminiscing about a toy they used to play with or saying I haven't seen one of these in years. People do visit us because it’s likely we have a classic toy, they are looking for, something a little bit different or they know they will find a good present.
We stock a wide range of classic wooden toys, such as dolls houses, kitchens, farms, spinning tops and stacking sets. We have lovely Dolls, with Cots, Pushchairs and Beds for them, Tin Tea Sets and Wooden Swing seats. We also have traditional family games like Tiddlywinks, Snakes and Ladders, Dominoes, plus some more unusual ones, that we have tested and are great fun. Recently we have started stocking the Paper Dolls you can dress and Lacing Boards you complete the picture by threading the lace through numbered holes, which is a hit with boys as well as girls.
Add these to your present list to carry on the tradition and show how great classic toys are and if there is something you would like but can’t find, let us know and we will try our best to source it for you.