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Sustainable Christmas Ideas

A Sustainable Christmas
Plan a little earlier to help make your Christmas celebrations great for the planet as well as your family. Here are a few ideas you could try;
- Wrapping paper; use plain paper your children have had great fun drawing winter pictures on, to make it a present in itself and far more personal.
- Shop local for your food as well as your presents. It helps keeps your local shops open and creating your community. Don’t just use them in an emergency as they may not be there next time.
- Buy toys that are from recycled or sustainable products, we have lots to choose from. Wooden toys from the unused base and roots of felled trees (Plan Toys), Plastic toys made from Bioplastic which is wheat straw based (Tiger Tribe) or recycled Milk Bottles (Green Toys). Plus many other companies using recycled plastic or good quality materials which will last generations, different childhoods and then be recycled.
- Make your gifts – made with love, as a family, which creates memories for everyone and makes a far more personal gift, how ever wonky it may be!
- Buy a potted tree if you can replant it or pass it onto someone to plant, look into hiring a Christmas Tree or reuse your artificial one.
- Renew or revamp pre loved toys, we carry the UK spare parts for Little Tikes toys, we have stickers, fixings and most other parts for almost all the current any many older lines.
Just a few ideas, there are hundreds more but make sure you enjoy the festive season, memories are made from what happens and the feelings not the money spent.