Reuse, Revamp and Recycle your Little Tikes Toys

Do you have a garden full of toys no longer looking their best, a toy you want to donate to a local group, something you have found in a skip or bought chap online, even a classic you put away for the next generation?
If it’s a Little Tikes toy we will very likely have the parts, to make it as good as new again. Because we have the Little Tikes toys built in our shop, we know the parts and understand when you tell us, ‘It’s that white thing, under the silver thing that the wheel spike goes through!’ obviously you meant the wheel bushing part X on the instructions.
Little Tikes toys are designed to last for generations, to be used by lots of children and have some of the best colour retention of any plastic toys, as they are designed for the sunlight and temperatures across the USA, which are much hotter, colder and brighter than we have here in the UK. But parts do wear, get damaged or break with accidents and years of play.
We carry all the spares for Little Tikes and almost all are listed on our website under the toy, with an image of the part. If you are unsure, send us a photo, ring or email us and we can help or advise. We do have some spares for older new discontinued toys or will try our best to suggest an alternative that may work. It may be a key that’s missing from a car, new stickers to improve the look of a toy, replacement water table parts, making it ready for next year or a slide which had a fight with a lawn mower or strimmer, we also get a lot of requests for parts that foxes have chewed. We then have the customizers, the real Smart Cars which need the logos to turn them into giant Cozy Coupe Cars. Pimp my ride, in mini form, even toy Pick Up Trucks that get rigs fastened to their backs or Granddads who want spare wheels adding to their Grandchildren’s cars to make them more realistic.
We have head of all sorts of reasons and stories, seen lots of fantastic pictures when toys have been repaired or upcycled and are happy to help you create or repair, please just ask.