Christmas Eve Box Ideas

Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house.....
Children were getting very exited, parents were working though lists, preparing food, wrapping or getting last minute gifts, finishing decorating, trying to build presents in secret or sneak presents in. Whilst guests and friends pop round. Or you may not have the chaos of our house, where the shop is open until 2pm and carol service starts at 6pm!
In many other European countries Christmas Eve is the time to give presents, in others its time to snuggle down with hot chocolate and a good book.
The Christmas Eve box seems a good way to link all the above together, its the giving of a gift, it will almost always contain a book and with some careful buying, it should be able to calm and entertain children, giving you a little time or everyone a chance to enjoy the magic of Christmas with the tree lights twinkling. Pop on some Christmas music, try and create some calm for a few seconds.
If you can, choose a small box that can be closed or resealed, so everything can be popped away after, certainly do your best wrapping, its one gift each, so you can enjoy taking your time on the detail and bows.
Remember everything needs to be small to fit into your little box, this isn't the main present giving time.
A book is a must, a Christmas story or something you know they will enjoy, even non fiction, if plants, bugs or tractors are their thing.
A Colouring book, mindfulness colouring or sketch pad with some pencils depending on age and ability. Maybe the foil art books, where you stick foil onto peel off parts of pictures, to create a sparkly picture. Or a colour in sun catcher for the window.
A snack, chocolate, sweet or savory, what ever is a favorite, that can be enjoyed as they play. A sachet of hot chocolate or a drink is optional.
Games, these could be something children can play themselves such as labyrinth, catching ball on a string, magnetic fishing game or a small puzzle.
A Project, BYO make very strong, moving, cardboard models you build yourself in a range of creatures or maybe origami, a magnetic story board to create or a pack of paper chains to join up for their room.
A toy, something small to play with independently, it may add to their collection of dinosaurs, dolls or zoo or be something on its own. Lottie dolls come with lots of layers of clothes and designed for little fingers.
PJ's or night wear, its lovely having new clothes, especially to snuggle into, it also may speed up bedtime!
There is always a little corner of space for something else you know they will love and have more time to appreciate or not loose tonight, rather than in the chaos of wrapping paper and presents tomorrow.
If you don't have time or need some help BYO have Christmas Eve boxes, one is the Snowman, the other a a Reindeer box. Both are lovely boxes and contain; a set to build, the Reindeer moves his head, the Snowman comes with James and creatures to create your own play. There is a bowling game, door hanger, funny glasses to wear and a very good 64 page activity book covering all ages, plus a small space for a book and night wear. All in a resealable box and the inside of the box is to colour in, with a winter scene. These are also perfect to bring out at any time over Christmas when children need entertaining or chance to calm down or when they are tired, the whole family can also join in.
What ever you choose, make it personal, as good things come in small packages!
Dont forget to also leave a carrot for Rudolph and something for the Father Christmas before you go to bed.
Merry Christmas from all of us at Adventure Toys.